Massage Body Workers/Therapists

Accept MassageGiftCards

By accepting gift cards from your clients/patients have access to a vast network of payment options. Our gift cards will pay you at a better rate than most credit card merchant accounts.

Accept & Process Gift Cards

  • QRCode QuickScan
  • Easy Processing
  • Lower Fees
  • Free Link to your website
Register Now

Account Holders


You can scan a QRCode on any mobile device and see a gift cards value prior to any services rendered.

Process Online for Payment

Quick and easy online filing for payment of services. Simply, login to your online account to process the card.

Payment Transfers

Payments can be transferred to any checking account, Zelle account, PayPal or via a check written to Practitioner.

Gift Certificate/Cards

Our technology uses QRCodes or Barcodes for quick and easy card value lookup. Integration into Massage Practice Software also available, through massage clinic professional software.

Sign Up Now! To Accept Gift Cards from

Start Accepting Gift Cards today!

As a registration bonus get a free listing on our body worker directory so new clients can search for your practice online. Once you sign up you can immediately inform all of your clients you now accept our gift cards in your practice. You can add our logo image to your website to promote that you accept of our gift cards. We will immediately create a link to your website in our directory to inform prospective customers searching for locations that accept our gift cards.